Temporarily paused/closed to prep for the season! Will return mid-June. Thank you!
Temporarily paused/closed to prep for the season! Will return mid-June. Thank you!
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Grand Opening / About the Artist

Welcome to the shop!  I've been working on this for a while now and am incredibly excited to share Strawberry Teapot with you all.  I've been active in the lolita fashion community for 7+ years now and noticed a strange inaccessibility in recent years of basic motifs and pieces when it comes to lolita jewelry and accessories.  Especially since the discontinuation of staple brands such as Chocomint, it has somehow become easier to get a hold of astronomical motel keys, bunny-faced snowmen and vampire lemonade stands (shout-out to the insanely talented US-based brand Dandy Puppetrois) than it is a simple bow necklace or...

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